Foetus insurance .

Contents of this page

Extent of your coverage.

This policy provides cover for damage occurring as stated on the policy until the 7th day after the birth:

  • rejection of foetus/foal
  • stillborn or deformed
  • death, emergency slaughter and/or permanent incapacity as a result of illness, accident or lameness.

Compensation .

The compensation amounts to 100% of the insured value of the fruit.

In the case of a twin pregnancy, no compensation will be paid if one of the two foals is born dead or deformed or becomes permanently unfit for six days after birth and/or dies.

If, at the start of the insurance policy, no recent declaration of pregnancy (max. 2 weeks old) has been issued by your vet based on feeling your mare, we will not make a payment if your mare is not pregnant. Read the terms and conditions of the Fruit Insurance for a full description of the coverage.


The premium is 9.50% of the insured value of your unborn foal. You pay a single premium for the entire term of this policy.

The insured value will be determined on the basis of stud fees that you may multiply 2.5 times, with a maximum of € 4,500.

Request insurance.

Applications for this insurance policy require:

  • a fully completed and signed Foetus Insurance Application Form
  • in the case of mares already insured: a recent pregnancy certificate

Conditions & insurance card.

Additional options.

If you want to continue to insure the foal after birth, you can transfer this policy based on the notification of birth.

Arrange directly?