Transport insurance.

Contents of this page

Extent of your coverage.

If you have sold your horse and it is being transported abroad, or if the horse is going to an international competition with the trailer/truck, ship or plane, this entails a risk.

For national, international and intercontinental transports, we offer you Transport Insurance.

This insurance provides cover for damage caused by death or emergency slaughter as a direct result of an acute illness or an accident from the moment the horse is transported. The following aspects can be insured:

  • Transport to or from the transport location in or excluding the stay there
  • Quarantine(s)
  • The transport itself

Compensation for damages.

The compensation amounts to 90% of the insured value.


The premium is calculated as a percentage of the insured value of your horse. As this is a bespoke service, please contact us.

Request insurance.

Depending on the destination, application for this insurance policy requires at least:

  • a fully completed and signed application form
  • Dutch animal welfare authority [NVWA] medical certificate (for transport outside the Benelux)


  • a medical certificate (max. 6 weeks old) from your veterinarian


Conditions & insurance card.

Arrange directly?